Involving Kidney Patients in Cardiovascular Trials

Kidney disease is highly prevalent among patients with cardiovascular disease and is associated with worse cardiovascular outcomes. The evidence on which to base the optimal management of cardiovascular disease in patients with kidney disease is hampered by their continual exclusion from cardiovascular trials. This project aims to bring together a diverse group of public and private stakeholders in an effort to understand the barriers to including patients with kidney disease in cardiovascular trials and to identify potential strategies to overcome them. About a decade ago, two systematic reviews observed that 56% to 80% of randomized controlled trials of cardiovascular interventions excluded patients with kidney disease, and a strong recommendation was issued at that time for their greater inclusion in cardiovascular trials. In order to work towards this goal, it is necessary to understand the barriers to their inclusion using a multi-disciplinary approach with input from a variety of stakeholders. This workgroup aimed to detail the barriers to including patients with kidney disease in cardiovascular trials and potential strategies to overcome them. The workgroup developed a manuscript summarizing the findings. 

Understanding and Overcoming the Challenges Related to Cardiovascular Trials Involving Patients with Kidney Disease