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  1. Download the fillable application
  2. Complete the application
  3. Submit your application to

Membership Application

Why Join?

Connect with others in a pre-competitive, open, and collaborative environment.

Membership provides the opportunity to expand your network within a pre-competitive enviornment open to all stakeholders, most importantly people with kidney diseases. KHI provides a forum for members to navigate the kidney community, the FDA, and other government agencies. Member organizations and companies include:

  • Patient Organizations
  • Health Professional Organizations
  • Research Organizations
  • Foundations
  • Pharmaceutical and Biotechnology Companies
  • Device Manufacturers
  • Dialysis Providers
  • US and International Government Agencies

Turn Ideas Into Action.

The project submission cycle is open year round. Members can submit proposal ideas for project endorsement, view and provide comments on all member projects proposals at the time of submission, and potentially co-author white papers on project results.

Attend the Annual KHI Stakeholders Meeting.

Annual meeting attendees:

  • Connect in-person with our diverse membership from the kidney community.
  • Share ideas.
  • Collaborate on new projects.

Serve in a leadership role on the Board of Directors or as a Workgroup participant.

There are two primary channels for interested individuals to get involved in KHI. First, the Board of Directors holds an annual Call for Nominations. Second, projects on a variety of topics are launching throughout the year that require diverse workgroups to accomplish their goals. Information on these opportunities is announced on the Volunteer Opportunities page and in the KHI Weekly Communication. Please contact KHI to be added to our mailing list.